Introducing Steel Viking Fitness by Cameron Readman
Introducing Steel Viking Fitness

What is Steel Viking Fitness?

Cameron Readman
5 min readAug 11, 2020


A few of you will have seen rumblings of my latest undertaking: Steel Viking Fitness, and be wondering what in the name of Odin’s beard is it all about? Well, the project is in its infancy right now. It’s mostly an idea, but to make it more real I shall speak its name out loud!

Below is the basic premise, so you might better understand and hopefully tell all your friends about this cool new start up, *a-wink*.

WORKOUT like a Viking

Vikings didn’t faff about with cross-trainers or “hot yoga”, whatever that is. No, they got outside and lifted logs, swung axes and rowed their longboats to Albion’s shores. Damn me to Helheim if Vikings weren’t fighting fit, ready to take on the world. It’s part of what made them so successful, it also seems a damn sight more fun to swing an axe instead of a kettlebell. So that’s precisely what we’ll do.

Splitting logs is just one example of hard hitting functional fitness

The focus will be on high-intensity, full-body functional fitness (i.e. useful in everyday life and across most sports). Firstly, you’ll be having so much fun you won’t even realise you’re working out. Secondly, this style of workout is beneficial to all kinds of people, from bodybuilders to busy mums. All the exercises are adaptable based on skill level, yet they’ll still push you to get the most out of your session, which has cardio, muscular endurance and motor fitness components. Even people who like to keep fit often neglect at least one or two of those areas, so this is a new way to push yourself and address those weak spots.

Lastly, there is one additional component, an extra herb to add to the broth if you will, and that’s controlled aggression. We only really see controlled aggression applied in contact sports like rugby or martial arts. Yet, for both men and women, it is important that we have an outlet for that aggression. We all know bottling it up is unhealthy and only leads to us lashing out at impractical moments. Steel Viking Fitness will let you unleash your aggression in a healthy way and unlock your inner warrior’s spirit.

BELONG like a Viking

The Vikings were all too aware that keeping their warriors fit was only half the battle. When you’re standing shoulder to shoulder in the shield wall you need to rely on the person next to you, your shields are locked against one another, protecting each other. If even one person breaks, the wall is broken and the enemy will slaughter you. Therefore, Steel Viking is also about cultivating a community that holds each other up and supports one another.

The shield wall keeps the war band protected

In my warband, sessions don’t end on the proving ground, they end in the long house with a good ale in hand and a story to tell. I will be partnering Steel Viking Fitness with spaces where we can cultivate a strong community spirit. There will be structure to this time where I will lead a huddle in crushing life, but it will also be a chance to get to better know those around you and make connections with neighbours you never knew you had.

Besides, how often do we join a corporate gym only to never or rarely speak to the others around us? How many opportunities pass us by on a daily basis for new connections, new friends, new opportunities? Not only will everyone get fitter and relieved of their aggression, Steel Vikings will leave each time feeling a little more supported, with a shield at their back.

Being a Steel Viking means being a part of a team that holds each other accountable, holds each other up and seizes the moment.

CONQUER like a Viking

With the combination of the above two elements to Steel Viking Fitness, you will also feel the increased confidence that comes with being a part of a Viking warband. You will be able to pillage the week for all it’s worth, as you stand taller with a steely look in your eyes that says “I know what I want, and by Thor’s hammer, I’m going to get it.”

Become the protagonist of your own story and conquer like a viking!

Let’s face it, for us modern folk, it feels a little epic to grip the handle of a sword and swing it in earnest at something. When the weight of the steel tightens the muscles in your arm and shoulder, there’s something primal in all of us that feels slightly more empowered. It’s easy to imagine ourselves as the hero in a movie, defending what is good and right, and why shouldn’t we see ourselves that way? I believe it’s important we make that connection with ourselves again, that we start to see ourselves as the protagonist of our own life. When we make that leap to take control of our own story, of our own destiny even, the dividends are limitless.

Steel Viking is about more than fitness, this is about conquering life!

How does that sound?

Sound like something you want to be a part of? In the short term I will be forming my first warband in Salisbury, UK. However, my plan is franchise this across the UK and further afield fairly quickly. So, if you feel like this is something you want, but don’t live in Salisbury or even the UK, please still make yourself known. You never know, the next warband might be right next you. Even better if you know a qualified fitness instructor and you reckon you’d be able to pull a warband together, there’s a good chance we can get stuff going fairly quickly. So, register your interest on and follow the page on Facebook or Instagram to stay up to date as Steel Viking develops!!

This article was written by Cameron Readman. If you’d like to know more or receive notifications for future articles, please head over to the Website and subscribe at the bottom of the page!

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Cameron Readman
Cameron Readman

Written by Cameron Readman

Creator, Entrepreneur and Engineer

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